Although security does not assure that the loan will repaid, it does reduce the risk, because the bank becomes a preferred creditor in the event of liquidation, and takes procedure over general creditors in the liquidation of any assets pledged to the bank as collateral. 虽然抵押并不保证贷款必将得到偿还,但它能够减少风险,这是因为对以担保品形式抵押给银行的任何资产,银行可优先于一般的债权人得到清偿,成为清偿中的优先债权人。
To achieve these purposes, the system of corporate no-bankruptcy liquidation obeys a strict procedure. 公司非破产清算制度为实现上述目标,是通过规定一系列严密的程序来完成的。本文共分四个部分对公司非破产清算制度进行阐述。
It focuses on not how to not apply to the insolvency liquidation procedure, But how to make the insolvent or being insolvent corporation rehabilitation and better, and to protect the interests of stockholders and creditors and staffs and so on. 其注意力,不在于如何避免适应破产清算程序,而在于使有破产危险的公司尽快复苏和壮大,从而保护股东、债权人、职工等各方面的利益。
According to the company law principle, after the company is revoked the business license, should not discharge the specific creditor alone again in principle, must discharge in unison all creditors through the liquidation procedure, to guarantee the justness. 根据公司法原理,公司被吊销营业执照后,原则上不应再对个别债权人进行单独清偿,必须通过清算程序,对全体债权人进行统一清偿,才能保证清偿公正。
In order to achieve the above two targets, SPV should have at least one independent director who bears the fiduciary duty for SPV itself and investors, not for the shareholders when deciding whether SPV goes to bankruptcy or liquidation procedure or not. 为此,SPV应有一个或以上的独立董事,这些独立董事在考虑是否使SPV进入破产或清算程序时,应对SPV本身及投资者而不是股东负有信托义务。
Firstly, the cost minimization and reasonable cost-sharing should be the Golden rule in the liquidation procedure. 本文认为:第一,成本最小化和成本分担是市场退出的首要原则;
In China, administrators can be served by competent legal persons as well as relevant offices, so as to improve the quality of liquidation administration and better the check and balance system on bankruptcy liquidation procedure. 能够进行市场经济行为的法人和合伙事务所可以成为破产管理人,这有利于提高清算管理的质量,健全破产清算程序的制约机制。
This paper probes into the special characteristics of liquidation accounting in the aspects of object, precondition, foundation, objective, element, account setup, account processing procedure, financial report. 对清算会计在核算对象、前提、基础、目的、要素、账户设置、账务处理程序、财务报告等方面自身的特殊性进行了探讨。
Liquidation accounting is a special accounting procedure about the enterprise in continual situation. 清算会计是企业处于非持续经营状态的一种特殊会计程序。
Liquidation is an important procedure in cleaning up a disbanded company's credit, debt and residual properties when a company withdraws from the market. Different comprehension of compulsory execution will cause different legal compensation when the law court withdraws the commission. 公司在注销其法人格之前必须进行清算,以了结公司存续期间的法律关系。对法院强制执行的性质的不同理解,在法院撤回委托时,其损失的赔偿将会产生不同的法律后果。
The liquidation of corporation is a system which aims at intervening the exit of the market body. It tries to balance the interests of various bodies by setting up scientific and rationale procedure and mechanism for the exiting bodies according to different causes. 公司清算就是对市场主体退出市场行为进行规制的制度,通过对因各种原因退出市场的主体设定科学、合理的程序与机制,以实现各方利益的均衡保护。
According to the theory of Company Law, liquidation is an indispensable procedure for company termination. All of the termination must face this procedure except for the same situation caused by merger or separation of the company. 依据公司法的理论,清算是公司终止的必经程序,公司除因合并或者分立原因引起的终止外,一律必须经过清算。
Liquidation is considered both theoretically and practically to be the last procedure before the settlement of claim and debt, clearing all legal relationships and protecting relevant obligees 'rights. 理论和实践上都将清算作为公司终止前了结债权债务、清理各种法律关系以及保护相关权利人利益的最后一道程序,经过清算,公司法人就可以安然的终结其生命了。
The main issues involved in the the forced liquidation implementation procedure, including the start conditions of liquidation, the instructions issued of liquidation, the liquidation order, the strength of liquidation and the termination conditions of liquidation. 强制平仓的执行程序主要涉及的问题包括平仓开始条件、平仓指令的下达、平仓的顺序、平仓的强度以及平仓停止的条件。
But the research of bankruptcy of security companies in china is still in exploration. The investor is a peculiar main body in security company liquidation procedure. 投资者是证券公司破产清算程序中的一个特殊主体,也是一个非常重要的主体。
Bankruptcy law of our country is a fundamental law of Chinese business failures, which does not make special regulation of the liquidation procedure waiting for banking institution. This is harmful for security company to cany out liquidation procedure in practice. 我国的破产法是对中国企业破产的一部基本法律,其中并未对证券公司等金融机构的破产清算程序作出特别规定,这在实践中不利于证券公司破产清算程序的开展。
And the company liquidation procedures provided in the existing Company Law is only a general liquidation procedure in ideal state. But in practice, definitely there are lots of problems that the general liquidation can not liquidate normally. 而且现行《公司法》中规定的公司清算程序只是一种理想状态下的普通清算程序,而实践中恰恰又大量存在普通清算程序无法进行时如何清算的问题。
The hearing procedure is able to remedy the disadvantages of the corporation compulsory liquidation because of its special features and functions. And the hearing procedure fully shows the value of the compulsory liquidation and is accepted as the process in the compulsory winding up. 听证程序因其本身所具有的特点和功能,可有效弥补公司强制清算制度存在的不足,充分体现公司强制清算制度的价值,而被最高人民法院引入公司强制清算制度。
After insolvency administrator finishing allocating bankruptcy property or there is no need to continue the liquidation for some reasons, insolvency administrator can file court the application to end liquidation procedure. The court will make a order to terminate liquidation procedure. 在银行破产财产分配完或因故没有必要继续进行清算程序,破产管理人向法院提出终结破产清算程序后,法院依法裁定终结破产清算程序。
The company completely controlled by the liquidation group in this procedure. The liquidation group deals with domestic affairs, represents company in various civil activities and litigation activities. It owns extensive powers. 此时公司完全处于清算组的控制下,清算组对内处理各种事务,对外代表公司进行各种民事活动和诉讼活动,其地位类似于公司正常经营过程中的董事,拥有广泛的职权。
Besides, Article 78 and 104 has stipulated the conversion between bankruptcy prevention procedure and liquidation procedure in the circumstance of the failure of prevention procedure. 同时,第七十八条及第一百零四条还分别规定了重整不能、和解不能的情况下,破产预防程序向破产清算程序的转换。
The term company dissolution and liquidation refers to the legal procedure in which the personality Of the legal person in the company will disappear finally after the company dissolve and settle all the current legal relations with others. 公司解散清算是指公司解散后了结公司所有既存法律关系,最终使公司法人人格归于消灭的法律程序。
Given this, countries take active reforming rescue measures in the first place to avoid directly entering bankruptcy liquidation procedure and to protect depositors 'interests in a greater degree. 鉴于此,各国对问题银行都是首先采取积极的重整救助措施,避免其直接进入破产清算程序,更大程度上保护存款人的利益。